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Home-made muesli

This muesli beats any of the manufactured ones. It is best in nutrients and has no sugar at all. It is the breakfast of the cupboard, providing that you get at least 3 different pieces of fresh fruit on your regular shopping.

Keep in your cupboard:
Jumbo oats
Dried fruit Currants, stoneless dates & apricots , or any other dried fruit that you like
Pumpkin, sunflower & sesame seeds

In a bowl
Add a handful of jumbo oats, some dried currants chopped dried dates & apricots or other dried fruit. Chopped different fresh fruit (banana, apple, pear, plum, melon, orange, strawberry, nectarine, mango, raspberry, etc)

Grill or roast the seeds, allow to cool and add them on top. Add a spoon of yoghurt & milk

Tip: You can keep in the fridge, cut fresh fruit properly stored up to 3-4 days.

Variant: You can also add nuts.

Earthly English breakfast

Eggs fried on a bed of potatoes (1 portion)
1 sliced potato
2 free range eggs
Freshly ground sea salt & pepper
Pinch of chopped parsley

Shallow-fry the potato slices in sunflower oil on a medium heat. Turn them over and brake open the eggs on top, low the heat and allow to cook. Sprinkle some salt, pepper and parsley.

Serve with slow-roasted tomatoes, fried mushrooms & grilled bacon (optional), tinned baked beans, toast & butter.

Slow-roasted tomatoes.
Ripe fresh tomato
Freshly ground sea salt & pepper
Dried oregano
Drizzle of olive oil

Cut tomatoes in half. Sprinkle salt & pepper, oregano and a drizzle of olive oil over. Slow bake for at least 20 minutes or up to an hour.

Tip: you can do a several at a time and use them on sandwiches, pasta sauce or in cous-cous salad

Desayuno criollo (Venezuelan breakfast)

Spicy black beans (6-8 portions)
500 gr dried black beans soaked over night
1 chopped medium size onion
Half head of crushed garlic
1 grilled skinned green pepper chopped
3 fresh red or green chillies, skinned, deseeded & chopped or 5 crushed pepperoncini
4 tbs extra virgin olive oil
Freshly ground sea salt & pepper
1 tbs crushed cummin seeds
1 tbs paprika
1 tbs raw sugar cane

Drain the soaked beans, add a litre of water and boil until soft. In the meaning time, fry the remaining ingredients using the olive oil. When the beans are soft add the fry up and simmer for further 10 minutes.

Tip: Make sure you stir the black bean occasionally and control that they have enough water through out the whole cooking process.
Tip II: when the beans have cool down freeze half for another delicious meal. Eg. Black Bean Burrito with the pepper sauce. (Check this recipe in the Main meal section|).

Perico (Scrambled eggs with tomatoes & onions)
1 tbs chopped onion
1 tbs chopped tomato
2 free-range eggs

Fry the tomato & onion in sunflower oil on a medium-high heat. Add two free-range eggs, some freshly ground sea-salt & pepper, stir and cook for a couple of minutes. Switch off the heat and continue stirring until cooked, so that it stays moist.

The special pre-cooked 100% maize flour, HARINA PAN, it is one of the Venezuelan most exported goods. It is suitable for people following a wheat-gluten-free diet and it is an ideal alternative if not substitute to bread. Follow the instructions from the packet to make the dough and shape them in flat discs. Plcae them in a greased heavy- botton frying pan, turn both sides until they get a crust. Afterwards grill them for best results, or oven bake for 20 mn. You can also deep-fried them if you are not too self-conscious of your fat intakes.

This breakfast can be served with avocado & fried plantain or re-fried shredded beef (carne esmechada. For shredded beed recipe look for Pabellon Criollo in the Main Meal section)

Middle Eastern breakfast

500 gr dried chick peas soaked over night
1 tbs fresh parsley
1 tbs fresh mint
1 ts each freshly ground cinnamon, coriander & cumin seeds
Freshly ground sea-salt to taste
Sun-flower seed oil for deep-frying

Drain the chick peas reserve 150gr to make hummus. Put the drained chick peas in a food processor with the remaining ingredients and blend to a not too coarse paste. Shape the patties with your fingers or with a Lebanese falafel shaper. Freeze them and deep-fried how many you need until golden brown.

Tip: Remember when deep-frying to have the oil on a medium heat and try to keep it at the same temperature by not adding to much food at a time, otherwise the temperature will drop.

Tip II: I like to prepare enough falafel & hummus to keep in the freezer and make it the starting point of another delicious improvised meal at any time.

150 gr dried chick peas soaked over night
1/2 ts bicarbonate of sodium
2 tbs tahini paste
4 tbs olive oil & lemon dressing (1 part lemon juice; 2 parts olive oil)
1 fresh garlic clove crushed
Freshly ground sea-salt to taste

Boil the drained chick peas in water with the bicarbonate of sodium until soft. Rinse them with fresh water through a sieve. Put the chick peas in a food processor with the remaining ingredients, add 2 tbs spoons of fresh water to make a smooth paste. Serve with a drizzle of extra-virgen olive oil & dust with paprika.

1 Large aubergine
2 tbs tahini paste
2 tbs olive oil & lemon dressing
1 fresh garlic clove crushed
Freshly ground sea-salt to tastE

Put the aubergine on top of a gas hob cooker and let it cook with the direct flame and turn util all sides are black. That will give the aubergine a smoky taste. Alternatively you can grill or bake the aubergine with the skin until soft. Peel the skin off and rinse it with fresh water and try to squeeze its juice out. Place the aubergine with the remaining ingredients in a food processor to form a smooth paste. Or you can use the potato masher for a more coarse effect.

1/2 Large cucumber
1 ts freshly ground sea salt
1 fresh garlic clove crushed
Drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil
1 tbs fresh chopped dill or mint
300 gr of greek style yoghurt

Coarsely grate the cucumber and put it in a colander with the sea salt to drain its juices out for 15 min. Squeeze out the remaining juice and mix it up in a bowl with the rest of ingredients.

Tabouleh salad (2 portions)
125 gr. Bulghur wheat or cous-cous grains
2 chopped tomatos
4 tbs roughly chopped parsley
4 tbs chopped mint
2 tbs olive oil & lemon dressing

Boil the bulghur wheat in plenty of water and add a pinch of salt util soft. Drain and mix with the remaining ingredients. Or if using cous-cous grains, add a pinch of salt to a one to one measuement of couscous and boiling water and let it stand until the water is completly absorved. Using a fork separate the grains and mix in a bowl with the remaining ingredients.

Tip: You can serve this breakfast with pitta bread. I like to grill or warm it up in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil, sesame seeds & zahtar.

Berliner breakfast

This is great alternative breakfast to the classic fry-up. This breakfast is served as a brunch in most cafes in Berlin and I love it because is very healthy and entertaining. It is ussually served with delicious brotchen, a beautiful and fancy varieties of bread rolls popular in Germany, but it can be served as well with a good seed and nut bread.

Hard-boiled free-range eggs (10 min for hard boiled) Served with a selection of cold meats, cheese, fresh fruit & fresh vegetables. Beautiful!

Home-made musli

Eartly English breakfast

Desayuno criollo (Venezuelan breakfast)

Middle Eastern breakfast

Berliner breakfast




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